The path

The path
On this page I am going to write a letter that might have come with the telescope that Matthew's Grandfather left to Matthew.

      Dear Matthew,
   I know you were never that fond of me boy, but in my last days you were the only thing that kept me going. So I thought I might leave you something so you can remember me even if you didn't like me, but I hope you did. There are some things you have to know about this telescope so listen up; this telescope is over 2000 years old so you must respect it and handle it with care. 
    I acquired it on one of my trips to North Africa, a priest gave it to me as a gift after I 
caught a wild cat that was tormenting his settlement, it is supposedly alive and will work but if treated with little respect, it will send your corpse after you. Matthew please heed this advice as many of my comrades over the years have perished at the hands of themselves.